Talking With a Bookie Tuesday’s

Hey, guys so it is Tuesday and sadly the feature that I wanted to do is on hiatus for this week and I think next week so I decided I wanted to try and do something of my own. I want to just give a little about my personal life and thoughts that aren’t just about books. So here it goes:

  1. This past week I went on a trip to the capital of my state for a 4-H event to learn about the government. While I was there I participated in a mock trial because it is the judicial year. I was a witness in the mock trial. The witness I was playing was a 13-year-old girl and everyone kept saying I did so well and acted really well. Honestly, I don’t know what they were talking about because I pretty much just sat there and recited my lines having a nervous breakdown but maybe that is what a thirteen-year-old girl involved in an assault crime acts like. I don’t know. Anyways that event was super fun and informative.
  2. This whole weekend has been so productive. I wrote all the blog posts for this week so I could have time to just breath over the week. I also finished two books.
  3. I am riding better on my horse. I have realized I have been spending enough attention on my equitation so I am bouncing and my legs are flopping so I have made it a goal to get that muscle memory back because I used to be able to do it without thinking but now I’m a noodle.
  4. It is the end of the month which is exciting because I this month has not been the greatest months for me and I am excited to start over. I have a lot of exciting things happening next month like a WAHSET competition, a school dance, and some great reads for next month.
  5. My cats are so annoying. My tiny cat jake is sitting in my lap right now and is making it really hard for me to write this blog but he is still so cute.
  6. I am started school this week and I am not happy. I have been on break for the past week and let me tell you it has been heaven. Not only do I have to go to school I also have weight training to do. I hate weight training but I go all out durig it so I better be super buff by the end of it.

I think I am gonna end this little talk today. I hope next week this will be more organized. I want to try and just write down my thoughts throughout the week. Hope you enjoyed this post. I may do it next week maybe not I don’t know yet.

How was your past week?

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