An Apology and a Welcome Back

Hi fellow bloggers,

So it has been a while.

Like a long while.

And I apologize for that. I have been busy with school. I didn’t have time. But now I am going to try and actually do it this time.

I left because I had too much to do. I was running my blog by trying to lost every weekday and it worked out for a while but then I started to be unable to get ideas. The posts were exactly the same as other posts. I just was doing too much in this. So I’m back with less but better posts.

I have been working for the past month to get ready to do this blog again. I have been writing reviews for the books I read during my break. So you are gonna get those as my next couple of posts. But they aren’t great cause I’m still trying to get back in the game and I read them a couple of months ago so my reaction isn’t as great. But nonetheless I have finished them and they are coming.

I also now have started a book club with my friend Maggie. It’s just me and her but then I will have a deadline to actually be reading a book. I am excited to read with her. I think I’m gonna post at the beginning of the month what book we are going to read so you guys can read along. And then I will publish my review and maybe even a separate blog lost just for the book club discussion. I don’t know yet but I will figure it out.

I also want to do some tags and get more into this community so I want some people to follow and some tags to do so comment down below people and tags that I should follow and attempt.

Anyways, thank you to those who stayed. Hi new followers. And I apologize for my sudden disappearance. And welcome back to my blog. It is going to be bigger and better than ever.

Tell me down below how you all have been. I have been doing really well. I have one more year of school left. I just got a job. I don’t know anything else major in my life to update you guys about.

Welcome back bookies!

-A Bookie

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