I DID IT!!! 2 WWW’s in a row!!


I am winning at life.

If I am being honest I really did not know if I could finish Tower of Dawn in time for this post.

But guess what? I did AND I read four others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, excuse my excessive exclamations points.

So without further ado, let us get into the WWW for this week.

If you don’t know what WWW is, then why do you live under a rock? Just kidding! It is a meme and this meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of WordsAnd it involves answering the 3 Ws!

What are the three Ws you may ask?

Well, that is easy, I answer.

They are:

What am I currently reading?

I am currently reading a book I have been working on reading for THREE MONTHS now. It is Into the Wild by John Krakauer. I swear to actual everything the reader of this believes in, that I will finish it this month or I will never read again. I absolutely do not find it interesting at all and I have forgotten most of it by now. But, I am just going to power through and read it. SO hopefully this will be the last time this annoying book enters the blog. I am not even going to include a picture of it I am so mad at it.

The other two books I am reading are two books I have been very excited to read for a long time. They are:

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Caraval Cover

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

One of these days I will have no more Maas books to put in these posts. That will be a sad day.

Kingdom of Ash Cover

What did I recently finish?

I read three Sonia Sanchez poem books for class. One book that is titled Love Poems is not on Goodreads. I cannot find it anywhere. The other two were We a BaddDDD People and Homegirls and Handgrenades. They were all fantastic. I kind of cheated because these were for school but oh well.

I also finished:

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn Cover

Fun Home by Alison Bechdel

Fun Home cover

What am I reading next?

Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith

Troubled Blood cover


I might have lied about this last one. I haven’t planned what I am going to read next. I am waiting to see what I finish first I guess. Anyways, I have a post of tomorrow scheduled so follow so you can see that. It is sort of a little rant about how I am bored. So, check that out tomorrow. I am thinking my Tower of Dawn review will be up Friday. If not, sorry. I am being lazy and it is finals week next week so I am preparing for that.

As always, thanks for reading,

A Bookie

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