The Vagina Monologues


Author: Eve Ensler, Gloria Steinem (Foreword)

Published May 3rd 2001 by Virago Press Ltd.

Genre: Feminism, Nonfiction, Drama

Pages: 185

“I decided to talk to women about their vaginas, to do vagina interviews, which became vagina monologues…At first women were reluctant to talk. They were a little shy. But once they got going, you couldn’t stop them. Women secretly love to talk about their vaginas. They get very excited, mainly because no one’s ever asked them before.” -Goodreads 


A book of feminism and glory. 

I loved the vagina talk. It was very empowering and the friend I read it with agreed with me. 

It is an important book. It is important to hear these women’s stories and to understand the depths of the women’s body. 

I wish I could go see this performed. It would be quite entertaining to see. 

I am reading this growing up in a non-“down there” era but still with some struggles with people embracing the word and I think this book does well to try and make vagina not seem like such a “nasty”word. 

I thought the stories were really nice and sort of inspiring. They mostly discussed how they viewed their vaginas and others and showed people journey through vagina discovery.

This blog is really short and I am sorry about that but I do not have much to say. The book is short which means a short blog. Especially one where I believe everyone should read it and see the amazing stories. I don’t want to give away anything to much. I want people to experience the book for themselves. 

Anyways, thank you for reading. Let me know down below if you have read it an your opinions on it. 

Star Rating: 4.5

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