
So this week was a total bust.

I had nothing to post this entire week. This post isn’t even going to be something for people to read more just me following my goal of posting once a week.

I have been having a hard time this month with my reading. I have only finished one book this month. I am currently reading three books and I just can’t seem to finish them. I also had no inspiration to write this week. So, I just needed to write something and so I am making this short post.

I could not think of anything to post this week. My normal posts of WWW and Top Ten Tuesday were a bust cause I didn’t know what to put for the topic for TTT. WWW would be the same for the past few weeks in a row. I think this weekend (hopefully but probably not) I want to just sit down and bust out a few posts to have on the back burner just in case I need them later.

I will say that I just finished Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. It was a really good book. I may or may not write a review about this. It is kind of old and was something popular when I was in middle school so I don’t think it is relevant enough to post about it anymore. But, who knows. If I cant come up with anything for next week I might.

Anyways, that is just how my week has been going. It’s been a pretty lazy month so I am trying to get back into the groove.

As always, thanks for reading,

A Bookie

One thought on “Welp…”

  1. 😊 l love it even when you don’t have anything to say you do that for several paragraphs.

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